Win More, Stress Less Elevate Your Installation Business

Gain access to top-tier projects and boost productivity, elevating your business to new heights of efficiency and client satisfaction. Transform the way you work and thrive in the digital age with our Installer App – your toolkit for success!

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Installation project management essentials
Bring Customer, Installer and Vendor Together
Our app offers solid planning tools, seamless collaboration features, robust data protection, and unparalleled software support.
All in one Platform
An all-encompassing end-to-end solution, spanning from product listing to the seamless product installation in the vehicle.
Easy Installation Project Management
Simplify your project's installation process with our comprehensive project management solutions for hassle-free, efficient implementation
Seamless Communication
We prioritise clear and efficient channels of communication, ensuring that our installers have the support and information they need to excel in their roles and responsibilities.

Simplify Bidding, Amplify Success

Bid confidently with our powerful platform. Save time, bid strategically, and increase your chances of winning projects consistently. Your gateway to installation excellence starts here. Bid Easy, Install Confidently.

Seamless Project assignment & team management

Harness the magic of effortless project assignment and team management. Empower your installers, all at the tip of your fingers. Your installation mastery begins now. Assign like a pro!

Tracking Game Strong

Stay in the loop with real-time project updates. No more guessing – track progress, make informed decisions, and ensure your installations run like clockwork.

Change Requests Made Easy

Handling change requests is now a breeze. With our innovative change request system, you're in control. Nail down the exact costs and timeframes for add on installation work, every time. No more surprises, no more delays. Transform your projects with precision and elevate your success.

12,000+ Happy Clients
Success stories from our customers
The best way to showcase our commitment is through the experiencesand stories of those who have partnered with us.
Our project completion rates increased by
45% after implementing this app. Its automation engine saved us 20 hours weekly, allowing us to focus on strategic
planning and client satisfaction.
Safaa Sampson
Project Manager
This software streamlined our workflow, reducing project errors by 60% and enhancing team collaboration. Our revenue grew by 35%, and client satisfaction reached an all-time high of 98%.
Brendan Buck
Marketing Specialist
Our marketing campaigns became 30% more effective due to precise analytics and collaboration tools. Task completion times halved, resulting in a 25% boost in customer engagement.
Frederic Hill
Operations Director
Flexible pricing
Flexible pricing to suit every need
Enjoy a range of features designed to enhance your projectmanagement experience, all at a price that fits your budget.
Task management, collaboration tools,and basic reporting
Task management, collaboration tools,and basic reporting
Task management, collaboration tools,and basic reporting
Task management, collaboration tools,and basic reporting
Task management, collaboration tools,and basic reporting
Task management, collaboration tools,and basic reporting
Task management, collaboration tools,and basic reporting
Task management, collaboration tools,and basic reporting
Task management, collaboration tools,and basic reporting
We've got answers
Your questions answered
If you're new or looking for answers to your questions, this guide will help you learn more about our services and their features.
How do I register as an Installer?

To register as an installer, visit the My Install Hub website, locate the "Installers" section, and click on the registration link. Fill out the form with your details, including qualifications and areas of expertise. You may need to provide certifications or proof of experience. Once submitted, wait for verification. Upon approval, you'll gain access to the platform and can start receiving installation requests.

Can I manage multiple installation projects at once?

Yes, the platform offers tools for managing multiple projects simultaneously, including scheduling, tracking, and communication features.

What support resources are available for installers?

My Install Hub offers access to online training courses, certification programs, and webinars to help installers stay up-to-date with the latest technologies and installation techniques.