Transform Your Telematics Installation Process

Uniting Fleets, Installers, and Vendors in just a few clicks! Bid farewell to telematics installation hassles once and for all – Your Gateway to Effortless Coordination.

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Installation project management essentials
Bring Customer, Installer and Vendor Together
Our app offers solid planning tools, seamless collaboration features, robust data protection, and unparalleled software support.
All in one Platform
An all-encompassing end-to-end solution, spanning from product listing to the seamless product installation in the vehicle.
Easy Installation Project Management
Simplify your project's installation process with our comprehensive project management solutions for hassle-free, efficient implementation
Seamless Communication
We prioritise clear and efficient channels of communication, ensuring that our installers have the support and information they need to excel in their roles and responsibilities.

For Customer

Streamline Your Installation Process

Simplify the installation of product in your vehicles, offering a seamless experience. You can effortlessly select the desired product and hire a skilled installer, ensuring fast and efficient setup, all at your fingertips

Create installation projects
Receive Bids from installers
Select Installer and start installation process
Complete project, manage installers and vendor in one place

For Installer

Empower Installer with Our User-Friendly App

Win new projects, keep up with communication, and manage change requests. Our Installer app streamlines project management, bidding, and communicating for installers.

View Released projects and bid.
Win bids while simultaneously staying connected with the customer.
Assign installers to install products to customer’s location
Get paid

For Vendor

Expand Your Reach with Fresh Customers and Skilled Installers

Manage your products efficiently and effectively, with our platform, you can easily add and showcase your products provide installation instructions and videos, and connect more customers

Boost efficiency and supercharge your sales
Add product details, installation instruction and videos
Grant customers access to product information, enabling them to make purchases.
Allow installers to seamlessly install your products at the customer's location.

Tracking tools

Efficient tracking, and unified team communication

Centralize all project-related information,ensuring easy access, efficient tracking, andunified team communication.

Collaboration tools

Effortless Collaboration Fostering Efficiency

Seamlessly interact, ensuring transparent communication and streamlined project management with intuitive platform features.

Workflow tools

Cohesive Workflow, Enhanced Visibility

Reduce manual efforts and optimize efficiency across the entire telematics installation process with real-time installation updates and instant communication tools.

Automation tool

Accelerate Projects with Automated Updates

Accelerate tasks & ensure a seamless, error-free experience, saving time and enhancing operational efficiency for all stakeholders.

12,000+ Happy Clients
Success stories from our customers
The best way to showcase our commitment is through the experiencesand stories of those who have partnered with us.
Our project completion rates increased by
45% after implementing this app. Its automation engine saved us 20 hours weekly, allowing us to focus on strategic
planning and client satisfaction.
Safaa Sampson
Project Manager
This software streamlined our workflow, reducing project errors by 60% and enhancing team collaboration. Our revenue grew by 35%, and client satisfaction reached an all-time high of 98%.
Brendan Buck
Marketing Specialist
Our marketing campaigns became 30% more effective due to precise analytics and collaboration tools. Task completion times halved, resulting in a 25% boost in customer engagement.
Frederic Hill
Operations Director
We've got answers
Your questions answered
If you're new or looking for answers to your questions, this guide will help you learn more about our services and their features.
What is My Install Hub?

My Install Hub is an online platform designed to connect fleet operators, installers, and vendors, streamlining the installation process of telematics hardware and cameras through effective project management and collaboration.

What types of telematics solutions can I install through My Install Hub?

My Install Hub supports a wide range of telematics solutions, including GPS tracking devices, dash cameras, fleet management software, and safety monitoring systems.

What support does My Install Hub offer for troubleshooting installation issues?

There is a dedicated support team available for troubleshooting, alongside a knowledge base and community forums for peer-to-peer assistance.